Visalink Russia
Малый Харитоньеквский пер., д. 9/13 стр. 4
Москва, Россия 107078
+7 495 772 4224
Пон. - Пят. 10:00 - 18:00
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Наш офис переехал. Новый адрес: Малый Харитоньеквский пер., д. 9/13 стр. 4. Пожалуйста, звоните согласовывайте Ваш визит заранее, если Вы хотите посетить нас.

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Russian Migration Card

All foreigners entering Russia are obliged to fill out a migration card upon arrival. You must deposit one part of the card with immigration authorities at the port of entry, and keep the other part for the duration of  your stay. Upon departure, the you must submit your Migration card to state authorities.

Every foreign visitors to Russia are required to present their migration cards in order to register their Russian visas at hotels.

Migration cards are available at all ports of entry. The Russian Migration cards are generally distributed to passengers on incoming flights and left in literature racks at arrival points. Officials at borders and airports usually do not point out these cards to travelers; it is up to the individual travelers to find them and fill them out.

Replacing a lost or stolen Russian migration card is extremely difficult. While Russian immigration authorities will not prevent foreigners from leaving the country if they cannot present their migration cards, travelers could experience problems when trying to re-enter Russia at a future date.

Please note: Although Russia and Belarus use the same migration card, travelers should be aware that each country maintains its own visa regime. Foreign citizens wishing to travel to both countries must apply for two separate visas.